Olympic lifts, such as the snatch and the clean and jerk, are complex movements that require a combination of strength, flexibility, and technique. They are often seen as the pinnacle of weightlifting exercises due to their ability to develop multiple physical qualities simultaneously. 

According to Leo Totten, MS, USAW-5, and founder of Totten Training Systems, says he uses Olympic lifts for a variety of reasons, but that these exercises are crucial to success within high school strength and conditioning programs.

Development Of Power And Explosiveness

Olympic lifts are power movements. They require the athlete to move a weight quickly and explosively. This can translate directly to improved performance in many sports, where power and speed are often the keys to success.

The power thing is really what we push,” says Totten. “Power is speed and strength combined. We’re trying to develop as much power out on the field or on the court as possible, and weightlifting helps develop that. And when I say weightlifting, I’m talking about the Olympic lifts.”

Full Body Coordination and Balance

Performing Olympic lifts requires coordination and balance as the athlete must control the barbell through multiple phases of the lift. This can help to improve an athlete’s overall coordination and proprioception, which can be beneficial in virtually any sport.

“I could go on and on about the values of it, but it is a great way to train,” says Totten. If weightlifters are considered to be the most powerful athletes in the world. With their size, the how much weight they’re moving, how fast their body’s moving, and their power, weight lifters are the most powerful athletes in the world. Why wouldn’t you train at least like them in some way?”

Injury Prevention

Properly performed Olympic lifts can help to strengthen the body in a balanced and holistic way, reducing the risk of injury. They can also help to improve flexibility and mobility, particularly in the hips and shoulders.

“There’s a lot of force production in sports,” says Totten. “There’s also a lot of force absorption when they’re getting hit out on the football field, for instance. They gotta learn how to absorb those forces. Weight lifting will also develop flexibility, and that’s important when trying to create the all-round athlete.”

Mental Toughness and Focus

Olympic lifts require a high level of mental focus and discipline. The complexity of the movements requires the athlete to be fully present and focused during each lift. This can help to develop mental toughness and concentration skills that can be beneficial both on and off the field.

“If you start with the why – the reasons behind why you are doing things like incorporating Olympic lifts – and if you have a good reason why you do it, and the rationale behind it, not only will your sport coaches buy into it, but your athletes will too,” says Totten, which helps them reinforce their own mental toughness during moments of adversity.

Incorporating Olympic lifts into high school strength and conditioning programs can provide a range of benefits for young athletes, Totten says, but it’s important that these lifts are taught and supervised by qualified coaches to ensure safety and effectiveness. With proper guidance, Olympic lifts deliver on their intrinsic promise.


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