Amanda Berg explains why high schools must hire a dedicated strength and conditioning coach to oversee athletic performance operations. Berg is Head Strength and Conditioning Coach at Dassel-Cokato High School (MN). She is also a member of the executive council of the National High School Strength Coaches Association (NHSSCA) and a co-host of the Big Time Strength podcast.
In her 16th year at Dassel-Cokato, Berg serves as the Strength and Conditioning Coach and Physical Education teacher, offering a range of PE and strength training classes. She manages training programs for athletes, off-season participants, and non-athletes from grades 7-12, as well as overseeing the youth “Charge Up” program for students in grades 2-6.
A veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom, Coach Berg served in the Wisconsin National Guard as a Truck Driver and Fitness Assessment Coordinator. She graduated from the University of Wisconsin-River Falls with a degree in Health and Human Performance, where she played softball for four years and was an active member of the strength staff.
Berg holds a Master’s of Science degree in Physical Education: Coaching of Sport from Southwest Minnesota State University. She is married and has three children.”