Developing arm strength in quarterbacks is essential for their success on the field. During the spring and summer, strength and conditioning coaches can implement specific strategies to enhance the throwing power and overall performance of their quarterbacks. Here are some things to focus on to prepare quarterbacks for the Fall.

Spring and Summer Conditioning

Spring training is a crucial period for developing foundational strength and power of athletes. According to Aaron Wellman in Complete Conditioning for Football, the emphasis during spring should be on strength gains and power development. Coaches should continue this approach into the summer, ensuring balanced development of both upper and lower body strength.

Key Muscle Groups for Quarterbacks

  1. Shoulders and Rotator Cuff: The shoulder muscles, including the rotator cuff, are critical for the throwing motion, providing stability and strength.
    • Shoulder Press: Develops overall shoulder strength.
    • Internal and External Rotations: Strengthen the rotator cuff muscles to prevent injuries.
    • Band Pull-Aparts: Improve shoulder stability and posture.
  2. Core Muscles: A strong core is essential for transferring power from the lower body to the upper body during a throw, maintaining balance, and protecting the spine.
    • Planks: Enhance core stability.
    • Russian Twists: Improve rotational strength.
    • Medicine Ball Slams: Develop explosive core power.
  3. Legs and Hips: The legs and hips generate the initial power for a throw and contribute to overall athleticism, including speed and agility.
    • Squats: Build foundational leg strength.
    • Lunges: Enhance balance and unilateral strength.
    • Box Jumps: Develop explosive power in the legs.
  4. Forearms and Grip Strength: Strong forearms and grip are necessary for a firm hold on the football, reducing fumbles and enhancing control.
    • Farmers Walks: Improve grip strength and endurance.
    • Wrist Curls: Strengthen the forearm muscles.
    • Dead Hangs: Enhance grip and shoulder stability.
    • Band Triceps Pushdowns: Develops the triceps and forearm muscles which are essential for arm extension during a throw.
  5. Upper Back and Neck: These muscles provide support and protection during collisions and maintain proper posture during throws.
    • Rows: Strengthen the upper back and improve posture.
    • Shrugs: Build neck and shoulder resilience.
    • Face Pulls: Enhance scapular stability and upper back strength.

Key Throwing Mechanics

Improving a quarterback’s throwing mechanics is equally important as building strength. According to Thomas Bass in Football Skills & Drills, mastering the fundamentals of throwing can significantly enhance accuracy and power.

  • Grip: Ensure a proper grip on the ball, with fingers across the laces for control and accuracy.
  • Footwork: Emphasize stepping towards the target with the lead foot, aligning the hips and shoulders with the intended throw direction.
  • Body Coordination: Use the entire body to generate throwing power, not just the arm.
  • Release: Focus on a smooth, consistent release, ending with the hand pointing at the target.

Tailoring Training Programs for Quarterbacks

Here are some things strength coaches should consider when tailoring training programs to address the unique needs of quarterbacks.

  1. Emphasize Rotational Power:
    • Why: Quarterbacks rely heavily on rotational movements during throws.
    • How: Incorporate exercises like medicine ball rotational throws and Russian twists to develop rotational strength and power.
  2. Balance Strength and Agility:
    • Why: Quarterbacks need to be strong but also agile to avoid sacks and move effectively within the pocket.
    • How: Combine strength training with agility drills such as ladder drills, cone drills, and resistance band sprints.
  3. Include Plyometric Exercises:
    • Why: Plyometric exercises help improve explosive power, crucial for quick movements and powerful throws.
    • How: Use exercises like box jumps, depth jumps, and plyometric push-ups.
  4. Focus on Functional Movements:
    • Why: Functional movements mimic the actions performed on the field, making training more applicable to game situations.
    • How: Incorporate drills that simulate game scenarios, such as roll-out passes, scramble drills, and off-balance throws.
  5. Integrate Recovery and Injury Prevention:
    • Why: Preventing injuries and promoting recovery are vital for maintaining a quarterback’s performance throughout the season.
    • How: Implement mobility exercises, dynamic stretching, and proper cool-down routines. Include specific rotator cuff exercises to prevent shoulder injuries.
  6. Utilize Periodization:
    • Why: Periodization ensures that the training program is varied and progressive, preventing overtraining and promoting continuous improvement.
    • How: Divide the training period into phases (e.g., hypertrophy, strength, power) with specific goals for each phase, as discussed in the training literature by Palmieri, Krein, and Woodfin.

Implementing these off-season strength and conditioning strategies will help develop quarterbacks’ arm strength, preparing them for the demands of the football season. By combining foundational strength training, sport-specific resistance exercises, and throwing mechanics drills, quarterbacks can enhance their performance and reduce the risk of injury. Emphasizing a specialized approach ensures that athletes are well-prepared, strong, and powerful, ready to excel on the field.


Complete Conditioning for Football by Aaron Wellman.

Strength Training for Football by NSCA -National Strength & Conditioning Association, Jerry Palmieri & Darren Krein.

Football Skills & Drills – 2nd Edition by Thomas Bass.