The half-kneeling landmine one-arm press is a predominantly upper-body movement that primarily targets the shoulder muscles. The landmine press is a middle ground between a horizontal press such as a bench press and a vertical press such as an overhead press.

Execution Using Landmine

  1. Start in a half-kneeling position so there is a slight stretch in the hip flexor.
  2. Hold the barbell in the hand on the same side the knee is down (see figure a above).
  3. Contract the glute on the leg that is up, brace the core, and maintain a neutral spine throughout the entire movement.
  4. Press the barbell straight out and not across the body (see figure b above).
  5. Return to the starting position by controlling the barbell down and perform all of the prescribed repetitions on one arm before repeating on the other arm.

This article was excerpted from Complete Conditioning For Football, by Aaron Wellman. Aaron Wellman is the senior assistant athletic director for football performance at Indiana University. He has over 25 years of experience in football strength and conditioning. Complete Conditioning For Football was published by Human Kinetics.

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