Speedster Athletics
Speedster has been providing athletes with Safe Professional Grade Training Equipment since 1990. We have designed athletic training equipment that can be used by coaches anywhere, including in your weight room. Because we pay close attention to performance, safety and quality of every product, you can be assured you are getting the best speed, agility and sport specific training equipment you can buy in today’s market. 


1240 Commerce Drive, Suite G
Gulf Shores, AL 36542

We make our products here in South Alabama using custom designed, high-quality materials and we make them using our patented design to assure every product is safe, dependable, accurate, affordable and Made in the U.S.A.

We offer "shop by sport" which means you can buy training gear that is designed for your specific sport and often your position on the team as well. No matter if you are into Baseball, Football, Softball, Soccer, Basketball, Track & Field, Cross Country, Volleyball, Hockey, Rugby or even Golf, we have gear designed for your sport. Shop Now and See how your skills improve!

Contact Speedster: https://speedster.com/pages/contact

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