The road to maximizing an athlete’s success begins with rapid recovery. If coaches want to maximize their athlete’s growth, recovery must be at the forefront of their training. Athletic recovery can improve how long, hard, and frequently an athlete can train. But if coaches do not recognize the importance of recovery, their athletes may be missing out on crucial benefits.

Jennifer Laughlin, marketing director for Rapid Performance Products, offers a solution for enhancing athletic recovery with Rapid Red™ and Rapid Whey™ all natural recovery products. She suggests that the solution for a more effective recovery lies within one small fruit, the Montmorency tart cherry. But don’t let the size of the cherries deceive you, they offer significant health benefits for those who consume them.

The Montmorency cherry contains special antioxidants called anthocyanins. The anthocyanins have anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce muscle swelling caused by training.

“Those anthocyanins are an extremely high source of natural anti-inflammatory,” Laughlin explains. “It actually works more effectively than an aspirin or ibuprofen at removing inflammation.”

However, the beneficial properties of anthocyanins do not end there. Additionally, anthocyanins provide a high source of natural pain reliever. So, along with reducing muscle swelling, they also remove the pain from sore muscles. This combination allows for muscle tissue to be repaired quicker, so that athletes can return to training faster.

Anthocyanins are just one of the recovery-enhancing compounds found within Montmorency tart cherries. Montmorency cherries also contain melatonin, which contributes to the quality of one’s sleep.

“Montmorency tart cherries are actually one of the highest sources of natural melatonin as well,” Laughlin says. “So it does help to get you back into the proper sleep wake cycles, raises your circadian rhythms, and gets you back where you need to be so you can properly rest, recover and train again.”

Sleep is an incredibly important aspect of recovery, but it can be difficult to manage. Thankfully, the melatonin inside Montmorency cherries provides a solution for athletes to consistently get a better night’s sleep.

To supply athletes with the advantages of the Montmorency cherry, Rapid Performance Products offers their Rapid Red tart cherry juice. Rapid Red provides a comprehensive solution for delivering the benefits of the Montmorency cherry to athletes in a quick and easy-to-use 8-ounce package.

“We are 100% tart cherry juice. The Rapid Red, that’s all it is, it’s fresh juice, we pasteurize it, and we keep it as natural as possible,” Laughlin says. “Because you can’t keep slugging down your liver with chemicals, and you can’t keep fighting everything off and expect to be healthy.

Neglecting the chemical impacts on your liver can result in chronic inflammation, fatigue, and brain fog. Rapid Performance Products heavily emphasizes the importance of keeping things as clean as possible, so that people can avoid putting harmful chemicals into their body.

“It’s like backing up a dam,” Laughlin says. “And the more you add to it, the slower and more sluggish your liver gets, the more those side effects all compound”. Both Rapid Red and Rapid Whey are Informed Sport certified, so coaches know athletes are getting 8 ounces of pure tart cherry juice in every serving.

Rapid Performance Products also offers Rapid Whey for those who want the added benefits of whey protein with their cherry juice. Rapid Whey is made of the same tart cherry juice as Rapid Red, except with an added 12 grams of whey protein isolate. The whey protein used in Rapid Whey is a byproduct of cheese making and offers major benefits which cannot be found in other sources of protein.

There are a total of 22 amino acids present in the human body, but there are nine which can’t be made within the body and must be consumed through diet. Whey protein isolate contains the highest level of these essential amino acids. The whey protein allows for your body to efficiently repair the muscle tissue, while the anthocyanins make sure it doesn’t need to fight off inflammation at the same time.

Recovery is a key component of athletic training that can critically impact the effectiveness of an athlete’s training. Fortunately, Rapid Performance Products provides coaches with natural solutions to improve athletic recovery and maximize the success of their athletes.

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Rapid Performance offers products with montmorency cherries, which are proven to provide quicker muscle recovery, anti-inflammatory benefits and better sleep.

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