A coach’s role often extends far beyond teaching the fundamentals of the game. Rick Sneade, Educator, Head Football Coach and Director of Strength and Performance at Calvert High School, stands out as an example of this intensive role. His philosophy goes beyond the traditional definition of athletic coaching, supporting the ability for sports to shape young lives beyond the gridiron.

He recognizes the importance of being proficient in football and strength performance, however, Sneade is quick to emphasize that these aspects, while important, are not his primary focus. The essence of his philosophy lies in the belief that sports serve as a powerful tool for personal development. His belief is grounded in the understanding that the lessons taught on the field – discipline, teamwork, resilience – are invaluable in shaping young individuals. Sneade seeks to leverage the game of football to instill values that will benefit his players long after they leave his program.

Maximizing Impact With Limited Exposure

“We’re talking about eighty hours worth of football games that they play in their High School career, which doesn’t even equate to four days of their life,” Sneade says. “There’s no way any one of us can justifiably say that in those four days we can make such a significant impact on a young man that he can be the most outstanding father or husband.”

In the grand scheme of a student’s life, the hours spent playing football are minimal. The true impact of high school sports lie in everything surrounding them and the lasting influence they can have on players’ lives. Shifting the focus from short-term accomplishments to long-term personal development can not only prepare athletes for future challenges, but improve their athletic performance. Sneade prioritizes teaching life skills and personal growth, which offers a more significant and enduring impact on young athletes.

Sneade aims to instill discipline, teamwork, and dedication into his athletes through the game of football. By using football as a way to introduce these concepts, he hopes to guide them towards becoming better individuals, leaders, and eventually, adults. Sneade’s coaching transcends the traditional objectives of high school sports. He is not just training athletes; he is mentoring young men, equipping them with the tools they need to succeed beyond their high school years. This holistic approach fosters qualities like empathy, leadership, and resilience, which are invaluable in navigating the complexities of life.

Challenges Of A Holistic Approach

Implementing such a comprehensive coaching strategy is not without its challenges. Coach Sneade is candid about the complexities involved in pursuing this holistic approach. The most surface-level aspects of coaching, such as teaching game strategies and techniques, have clear guidelines and methods. But, influencing the personal development of young players is a far more nuanced endeavor.

“It’s a messy process, it’s a learning process, because it is ultimately covering the most significant parts of relationship building,” Sneade says. “It’s a lot of work, it’s a lot of effort, but it’s very rewarding.”

This aspect of coaching goes beyond the X’s and O’s of football; it delves into the realms of mentorship, guidance, and life coaching. It requires a deep understanding of individual personalities, patience, and a commitment to the long-term development of each player. The challenge lies in the fact that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to personal development. Each player comes with their own unique background, challenges, and aspirations. Coaches have to navigate these varied landscapes, offering tailored guidance and support. This requires a level of emotional intelligence and dedication that goes well beyond the immediate expectations of a high school football coach.

The Rewarding Outcomes Of Impactful Coaching

Despite the challenges, by focusing on relationship building and personal development, Sneade believes he can make a meaningful difference in his students’ lives. The rewards of this approach are not always immediately visible. Unlike the clear-cut outcomes of wins and losses in football games, the impact of personal growth and character development often manifests over time. However, there’s immense satisfaction in witnessing the gradual transformation of players into responsible, compassionate, and driven individuals.

For Sneade, the most significant reward comes from seeing his players succeed not just in football, but in life. The joy of a former player achieving success in their personal and professional life, using the lessons learned on the football field, is immeasurable. This long-term impact is what drives Sneade’s commitment to his coaching philosophy.

Coach Rick Sneade’s philosophy presents a reliable and inspiring perspective on the role of high school sports. His approach, which emphasizes personal development and life skills over mere athletic prowess, is a testament to the profound impact a dedicated coach can have on young lives. Sneade’s legacy extends far beyond the football field, as he molds not just athletes, but individuals equipped to face life’s challenges with confidence, resilience, and integrity. His philosophy serves as a reminder of the true purpose of sports in education – to develop well-rounded, capable, and compassionate individuals.